Thursday, November 18, 2010

the space between blog and email may or may not be an f and six asterisks

Week 7 - it seems things are  heating up...

A fan, a fan, my kingdom for a fan
......or as Fugazi's  Guy Picciotto put it in 1995 -  Do you like me?

Big news in the unsocial media last week when the Queen launched her facebook page. The page is actually "the official Facebook page for the British Monarchy, offering updates on Royal news and events" rather than a personal page for the Queen  (and please don't confuse that page with the page for Queen). If you think about how social the Queen really is -  she has snipers stationed outsider her house - and then compare that to what a social place a  public library is; so if even the British Monarchy have a facebook page, why doesn't your local library?

Like the British Monarchy | Like the Cockburn Libraries
(and I'm sure you could find me on facebook if you wanted to)

I tweet therefore I am

Love it? Hate it? Not sure? ...though more of a tweetee than a tweeter , I would guess I'd lean towards the love it,  for the amount of really useful and interesting links that appear in my twitter stream . Choose your followees, then immerse yourself. Someone already had lawley so I'm lawley_y (but folllow him, he's probably more interesting).

Cockburn Libraries tweet, though at the moment it is really only sending out information, rather than creating connections. This is part of the twittersphere that, tweeting as libraries, we should embrace more. In reading
  26 Twitter Strategy Tips and Tricks for Success - Active - Be Honest - Click –  Don’t Worry! –  Encourage –  Follow Wisely -  Global Connections - HABITUDES!  Ignite Dialogue –  Jump into the Fray  - Kindness –  Listen –  Manage Yourself –  Name –  Outside Your Field –  Proclaim –  Question - Relationships –  Start Now - Tweet with purpose - Unlimited Potential - Visualize your PLN- (Personal Learning Network) - Wise –  X-tra Efforts Matter. - You!  - Zweeeet! there are definitely points for our library to act on, though I think they were pushing it a bit with Zweeeet! 


  1. Well, I have to agree with you, you either love twittering or you don't. There is a 50/50 percent chance that you will either get relevant/or not so relevant information...I think. I also think, we should engage more in library twittering, this would be more useful and worthwhile.

  2. Definitely pushing it with Zweet. Definitely.

  3. I like your logic as to why Libraries shoud be on Facebook - very clever.
